Sapna's Legal Ledger
Empowering through Legal Knowledge
in a Technological Era
Trademark Basics and Importance

Guide to trademarks in India: significance, registration, protection, with examples from brands like Apple and Nike.
ReadUnderstanding Passing Off in Trademark Law

Insight into 'passing off' in trademark law: definition, protection, and establishing a case, including unregistered trademarks.
ReadDomain Names and IP Rights

Analyzing domain names as IP rights, focusing on the Satyam Infoway vs Siffynet case's implications.
ReadGoodwill vs. Intellectual Property

Exploring goodwill and IP in business: their roles, differences, and combined impact on company value.
ReadTiffany vs. eBay: Navigating Trademark Dilution

Exploring the Tiffany vs. eBay case's impact on trademark dilution, focusing on online counterfeit sales and legal outcomes.
ReadFunctionality Doctrine: TrafFix Devices vs. Marketing Displays

Analyzing the Supreme Court's stance on functionality doctrine in trademark law through TrafFix Devices vs. Marketing Displays case.
ReadColor as a Trademark: The Qualitex Decision

Examining the landmark Qualitex vs. Jacobson case, where the Supreme Court ruled color can be a protected trademark under certain conditions.
ReadSound Trademarks in the EU: The Shield Mark Case

An overview of the Shield Mark vs. Kist case, highlighting the ECJ's stance on the registrability of sound marks under EU trademark law.
ReadThe Red Sole Battle: Louboutin's Trademark Triumph

Exploring Louboutin's legal victory in protecting its iconic red sole as a trademark, a landmark case for non-traditional trademarks in the EU.
ReadCan Smells Be Trademarked? The Sieckmann Case Exploration

Diving into the Sieckmann case to explore the EU's stance on the registrability of olfactory marks and the challenges of graphical representation.
ReadFour Fingers, Zero Trademarks: The KitKat Trademark Dispute

An in-depth look at the legal battle over the KitKat shape trademark between Nestlé and Cadbury, highlighting the nuances of trademark law.
ReadIntent Matters: The Role of Intention in Copyright Law

Exploring the critical role of intention in copyright, through a narrative of creative conflict and legal principles, highlighting how intention shapes copyright ownership, infringement, and collaboration.
ReadThe Dyson Case and Meaning of 'Sign' in Trademarks

An examination of the Dyson Ltd v Registrar of Trade Marks case, focusing on the CJEU's interpretation of 'sign' in trademark law and its implications for functional features in product design.